by August 16, 2012
onLately I wanted to write a small extension method for the Array class in F#. What would be a pretty simple task in C# appears to be a bit more tricky in F#.
public static T GetOrDefault<T>(this T[] elements, int n)
if (elements.Length > n)
return elements[n];
return default(T);
After trying a few things without any success I found a solution on StackOverflow that I want to share with you.
Basically this is what it has to look like in F#:
type 'a ``[]`` with
member x.GetOrDefault(n) =
if x.Length > n then x.[n]
else Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
The trick is to use the backticks notation to define the array class. As stated in the mentioned post you can extend via the IList<_>
generic interface as well: